Photography by Mathijs Labadie

Issue N° 5 – The Desk
Maps drawn by the indigenous communities of the Yuruparí region of the Amazon reveal a form of cultural cartography that preserves ancestral knowledge, of rivers and forests, of sacred sites and shamanic rituals. Andrea Trimarchi and Simone Farresin of design studio Formafantasma spoke to Faustino Benjamin Londoño, an indigenous leader and spokesperson for the Association of Indigenous Captains and Authorities of the Pirá Paraná (ACAIPI), and to biologist Nelson Ortiz, an advisor to Gaia Amazonas, a foundation set up to support indigenous groups in the region in the creation of strategies to preserve their traditional knowledge. They discussed the development of this form of mapping to preserve traditions.
Text by Formafantasma, Faustino Benjamin Londoño & Nelson Ortiz
Sticks, picks &
party tricks
Issue N° 11 – The Chain
On 23 August 1989, around a million Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians expressed their desire for independence by joining hands to create ‘The Baltic Way’, a human chain that extended for over 690 kilometres from Tallinn to Riga to Vilnius.
Text by Bart de Baets
Drawings by Stepan Lipatov